Friday 18 December 2015

Run up to Christmas

Hello again, Happy Christmas,

Since I last blogged,  I have been to the job centre to sign on, normally I dont mention it, but on this occasion , my job centre person said , that her whole life had gone to ratshit,. Now whilst I have been there, I had a sudden flash of inspiration and suddenly said "oh well it could be worse you could be out of job coming up to christmas and only get your national insurance paid...", needless to say it was a short appointment.

Good news and bad news, I have been applying for loads of jobs and whilst 90% of employers suffer from very poor admin in that they dont acknowledge the application let alone respond, I got an interview for a job. It was for the civil service at Leconfield. I had a days work experience in the same environment to prepare me for possible interview quaetions. Turns out wasnt such a great idea, because all of the hull veterans work club did the same,  but needlesss to say it was enjoyable. At the interview we had a variety of competency questions, but needless to say they ticked the " we identified with the stronger candidates" box. I asked for feedback, but in real terms it was repeated in every box , close but no cigar...

I have started taking photographs again properly. I started again at the breakfast club and have started taking some everytime I go into the city. Theres something quite surreal to living in hull, its really quiet but every now and agin we get a rag and bone man, and  its not some bloke in a transit van. these guys do the job properly. They came again today and I finally got the chance to photograph them coming down the street. I am going to edit this picture to show passing of time, maybe some black and white in the middle, im not sure yet, but never the less I thought I would share it with you.

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